Welcome to St. Luke’s!

We are glad that you are visiting us. We hope that your visit to our parish is enjoyable and that you will return. We invite you to become part of the ongoing life and mission of St. Luke University Parish by becoming an active member.
To become a registered parishioner or update your information:
- Become a part of our Flock at St. Luke University Parish.
- Click to sign-up using Flocknote PARISHIONER REGISTRATION
- To update your information on Flocknote UPDATE
- If you are unable to register using Flocknote online, download the PARISHIONER REGISTRATION FORM. Once you’d filled this out, you may email this to k.thomas@lukespot.com, mail it in, drop off during business hours, put it in the collection basket or or give to an Usher. Please call the parish if you have any questions.