Marriage & Family Life

Many are called to the vocation of Marriage, which is an intimate communion of life and love ordered toward the good of the husband and wife and the procreation and education of children. Christian families truly become “domestic churches” where God’s love is experienced and proclaimed. They also become schools of mutual service for the building up of a peaceful society.
There are resources to help you when you get engaged. These are the first steps you should take before anything else when planning to getting married in the Catholic Church. Considering a marriage at St. Luke’s?
For information on schedule a wedding at St. Luke’s call Kim Thomas at 616-895-2247 or by E-mail.
Married Life: Marriage is a vocation to holiness. From their first days as husband and wife through their golden years, married couples have the awesome task of witnessing to God’s faithful love to each other, their children, and society. No couple does this perfectly, and everyone needs help when love feels strained and the going gets tough. All marriages can grow in knowledge, faith, joy, and love. Whether you are just starting out in marriage or have fifty years under your belt, the advice, real life stories, and Church teaching here can help strengthen and bless your marriage. Married Resource.
Family Life & Parenting: “The joy of love experienced by families is also the joy of the Church” (Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia, no. 1). Family life – though not without its challenges – is a great gift! It is in the family that all of us learn what it means to love and be loved, to forgive, and how to maintain relationships over time. The family is called to welcome others, in particular children, and to care for those in need. Content in this section can help families become places of prayer and faith (domestic Churches) and navigate the challenges that come with parenting, extended family relationships, caregiving, and more. Family Resource.