St Luke’s Scrip Program
You are invited to join other parishioners in our fundraising program called SCRIP; it is an online program only [see link below]. This program is another way for you to support our parish.
Scrip is a simple word that means “substitute money” – in other words, scrip is prepaid gift cards from national and local retailers that you purchase from the parish. They work the same as gift cards you buy at the store. Many popular retailers participate in the program including Meijer, Spartan, Speedway, Pizza Hut, Barnes & Noble, Staples, and Office Max. There are currently over 300 retailers available for purchase (see the full listing attached). Scrip is a great program because everybody wins:
* The retailer gets cash up front and repeat business…
* You are supporting the parish in a fundraiser that requires no selling on your part..
* St. Luke’s gets another regular source of revenue.
The beauty of scrip is that you put your regular household shopping dollars to work. You earn money for the parish without spending a single additional penny. Just spend your regular shopping dollars with scrip at the stores that participate in the program! Scrip can be used for just about any household purchase including food, clothing, entertainment, gas, and even restaurants.

online Scrip program at
RaiseRight App
Food Pantry
Once a month on the second Thursday of the month from 3 – 5 pm, St. Luke University Parish hosts a Food Pantry. Generous donations of time, talent and treasure help us to serve close to 50 families at each pantry session. Please click to be directed to calendar for dates and times.
Volunteers are needed to go to various food providers and collect their donation, as well as help in sorting and the upkeep of our pantry area.
For more information, contact Sheryl Horton or Sue Shipper through the parish office.