
Some men are called to serve the People of God through a share in the apostolic ministry of Christ the Head by teaching, leading, and sanctifying the faithful in the priesthood. There are two kinds of priests: diocesan and religious order. Diocesan priests are ordained to serve a particular diocese, such as the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Religious order priests are ordained to serve according to the rule of their religious community, each with its own unique charism (foundational gifts). Religious order priests are ordained to serve according to the rule of their religious community, each with its own unique charism (foundational gifts). Examples of religious order priests include the Paulists, Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, and Redemptorists. If you are interested in becoming a Diocese of Grand Rapids Priest . . .click here.

Are you discerning the priesthood?

The Explore Priesthood Group is a discernment opportunity sponsored by the diocesan Office of Priestly Vocations. If you are wondering if being a Priest is right for you, please visit


Named from the Greek word for “servant”, Deacons are ordained men primarily dedicated to the Church’s social and charitable endeavors. They often serve the Liturgy as well through proclaiming the Gospel and preaching the homily, assisting the Priest at the altar, and presiding over the sacraments of Baptism and Matrimony. If you are interested… Click here.

Vowed Religious Life

Some women and men are called to serve the Church through consecrated life in the context of a religious community. They typically take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Through lives of prayer, community, and apostolate, they are icons of Christ’s servant love in the world that remind all people that the ultimate aim of human life is communion with God, not passing worldly pleasures.  More information on religious communities of men and of women can be found here:

Single Lay Vocation

The Church is also blessed by single lay people. Those called to this life are especially close to Jesus’ heart. They live the spirit of the Beatitudes, serving God, church, and neighbor in exemplary fashion. They give witness to selfless service, enriching the Body of Christ and society (especially their workplaces, extended families, and intimate friendships).

Lay Ecclesial Ministry

Some lay women and men have been called and trained to assist the pastors of the Church in their ministry. They work as employees or volunteers, taking ministry leadership roles in close mutual collaboration with bishops, priests, and deacons. They often serve in parishes, diocesan agencies, and schools.  For more information . . .Click here