Liturgical Ministry

Lectors assist at Mass by proclaiming the Word of the Lord via the prescribed texts found in the lectionary for a specific day.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist at daily and Sunday Mass by helping to distribute the Precious Body and Blood of the Lord in Holy Communion, as well as bringing the Eucharist to the homebound and hospitalized.
Music/Choir Ministry
Music is a key element to our liturgical celebrations.
The music ministry at St. Luke University Parish is composed of singers and instrumentalists of all ages, ranges of skill and knowledge. All are welcome to become part of this ministry and add to our “joyful noise”! Rehearsals are Thursday nights from 6:30 – 8p.m.
Contact Shawnda Draeger at for more information.
Is God calling you to do more, but not sure what it is? Look at bringing Eucharist to the homebound. The ministry is so important to those who can’t get out. You will go either to people’s homes, Allendale Nursing, and/or Green Acres of Allendale. If you are in need of Communion for the Homebound please click here to sign up.
If you have any questions please contact Kim at or call (616) 895-2247.
Right now we only have coffee and donuts after our 8:30am Mass. If you are someone who is interested in helping with hospitality, or starting a 10:30am Mass Hospitality, please contact Kim at or call (616) 895-2247
Food Pantry
We host our Food Pantry once a month, on the second Thursday from 3 – 5pm. Generous donations of time, talent and treasure help us to serve close to 50 families a month. Volunteers are needed to go to various food providers and collect their donation, as well as help in sorting and the upkeep of our pantry area. On Thursdays we need volunteers to help set up, hand out, and other various things.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact Sheryl Horton and Sue Schipper through the parish office. Please click to be directed to calendar for dates and times.
Meals for Mom’s
EncountHER Women’s Events
Monthly multigenerational large group events for all women ages 18 and over by women for women. These events will always include spiritual formation, communal prayer, facilitated discussion and fellowship. EncountHER is every third Saturday from 9:00am – 11:00am starting Saturday, September 16.
For questions, please contact Contac
Women’s Small Discipleship Groups
What are discipleship groups? Discipleship groups are small groups of 6 – 8 women that meet weekly or biweekly for formation through study and small group discussion. The primary goal of these groups is to grow in deep friendship through intentional and vulnerable discussion, knowing that the trust formed from these friendships will open our hearts to the Gospel message. We meet on Saturday, 9 – 10 am in the Benedictus room next to the offices.
Want to join a group?
Contact Kristen Zacek at
Millions of Monica’s
We are a group of mothers coming together to lift up our children of all ages. Many of us have children who are struggling to embrace their Catholic faith or have left the church entirely.
Like St. Monica, we pray for their joyful return to full unity with the Catholic Church. We are not a support group or a self-help group. We believe that by coming together weekly, uniting our hearts and voices, we can bring strength and joy to each other.
Men’s Ministry
Men’s breakfasts are multigenerational events for all men 18 and over who want to grow in brotherhood through great breakfast food, spiritual formation, and table discussion. Questions? Contact Kristen Zacek at
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men who each play a part in improving the world around them, one community at a time. They stand together in faith, dedicated to uphold the principles they cherish while lending their support and strength to parish, home and fellow Knight. We have a wide variety of programs, including the golf outing/scholarship, pancake breakfasts, fish fries, and a wide variety of community service and family activities.
The Fr. Hecker – St Luke University Council was chartered in 2008. Joe Trojniak is the current Grand Knight.
Contact the parish office for more information.